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Fiberoptical cable for use in vital communication and emergencysystems which needs to be oprational during a fire situation
(90 min. 950 – 1000°C). The fibers are protected in jelly filled loose tubes stranded around a central strength member to ensure
high performance and long endurance. Individual colour for each fiber. 62.5, 50 and 9 μm fibers. The cable can be used outoor
and indoor, excellent rodent resistance.

Product Description

Fiber optic cable for use in vital communication and emergency systems which needs to be operational during a fire situation
(90 min. 950 – 1000°C). The fibers are protected in jelly filled loose tubes stranded around a central strength member to ensure
high performance and long endurance. Individual color for each fiber. 62.5, 50 and 9 μm fibers. The cable can be used outdoor
and indoor, excellent rodent resistance.

MM or SM
62.5, 50 or 9 μm
Colorcode fiber
1 - red
2 - green
3 - blue
4 - yellow
5 - grey
6 - violet
7 - brown
8 - orange
9 - white
10 - pink
11 - black
12 - turquoise
Sub unit
1 - red
2 - green
3, 4... - natural
passive tubes black
Fire barrier
Mica tape over each active tube
Strength member
Reinforced fibreglass yarns (WB)
Inner jacket
LSZH compound
Corrugated steel
Outer Jacket
15.5 [mm]
Temperature range
-40 – +90 [°C]
According to IEC 60794-1-22 F1
Temperaturerange at inst.
-10 – +50 [°C]
According to IEC 60794-1-22 F1
Tensile strength
Installed: 1000 [N]
@ installation: 1800 [N]
(according to IEC 60794-1-21 E1)
Crush resistance
(according to IEC 60794-1-21 E3)
Impact resistance
[ J ]
(according to IEC 60794-1-21 E4)
Water penetration
According to IEC 60794-1-22 F5B (3m, 1m. 24h)
Bending radius flexible
[x outer diam.]
Bending radius installed
[x outer diam.]
Halogenfree, max content corrosive and toxic gases
IEC 60754-1 & IEC 60754-2
Flame retardant
IEC 60332-1 and IEC 60332-3
Fire resistant
IEC 60331-25
(90min @ 950 – 1000°C)
Smoke emission
IEC 61034-2
DoP No.:
No. of fibres Fibre per tube Total / Active tubes Outer diam. [mm] Weight
12 12 6 / 1 15.5 247
16 8 6 / 2 15.5 248
24 12 6 / 2 15.5 248
32 8 6 / 4 15.5 249
36 12 6 / 3 15.5 249
48 12 6 / 4 15.5 250
72 12 6 / 6 15.5 251

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